Course Descriptions

下面的列表是 一个完整的项目课程列表,并显示了过去、现在、 and two future terms. View complete degree/certificate requirements and course offerings by clicking the links below.

RATE 160 - Fundamentals of Radiologic Technology - 2.00学分

Prerequisite: Admission to the Radiologic Technology Program. 本课程概述了放射学的基础和从业者在医疗保健服务中的作用. 原则, 除了放射技师的专业责任外,还将审查和讨论卫生保健组织的实践和政策.

RATE 165 - Patient Care - 3.00学分

先决条件:率160与等级C或更好或同时注册率160. This course provides the concepts of optimal patient care, 包括考虑病人和家属的生理和心理需求. Routine and emergency patient care procedures are described, as well as infection control procedures using standard precautions. The role of the radiographer in patient education is identified.

RATE 171 - 原则 of Radiographic Imaging - 2.00学分

Prerequisite: 率172, 率186 and RATE 187 with a grade of C or better & Admission to the Radiologic Technology program. 内容在控制图像制作过程的技术因素中建立了知识库.

RATE 172 - Radiographic 程序 I - 5.00学分

先决条件:率160与C或更好的同时注册率187 & Admission to the Radiologic Technology program. 本课程提供必要的知识基础,以执行胸部成像程序, 腹部, 上肢, 肩带, 下肢, 骨盆带, 脊柱, 还有骨胸. Consideration is given to the evaluation of optimal diagnostic images.

RATE 176 - Radiographic 程序 II - 5.00学分

先决条件:率172与C或更好的同时注册率188 & Admission to the Radiologic Technology program. 本课程提供必要的知识基础,以执行胸部成像程序, 腹部, 上肢, 肩带, 下肢, 骨盆带, 脊柱, 还有骨胸. Consideration is given to the evaluation of optimal diagnostic images.

RATE 186 - Radiation Physics - 2.50学分

Prerequisite: RATE 160 with a grade of C or better & Admission to the Radiologic Technology program. 本课程的内容建立了原子结构和术语的基本知识, thenature and characteristics of radiation, x-ray production and the fundamentals of photoninteractions with matter. The course content also establishes a knowledge base in radiographic,fluoroscopic and mobile equipment requirements and design. A basic knowledge of qualitycontrol is also introduced in this course.

RATE 187 - Clinical I - 3.00学分

先决条件:率160与等级C或更好,并同时注册率172 & Admission to the Radiologic Technology program. This course is designed to 顺序ly develop, 应用, critically analyze, 集成, 综合和评价放射学操作中的概念和理论. Through structured,顺序, competency-based clinical assignments, concepts of team practice, 讨论了以患者为中心的临床实践和专业发展, examined and evaluated. 本课程的临床实践经验旨在为患者提供护理和评估,competent performance of radiologic imaging and total quality management. 能力水平和结果测量确保患者之前的福祉, during andfollowing the radiologic procedure. This course is the first of five total clinical courses.

RATE 188 - Clinical II - 4.00学分

Prerequisite: RATE 165, 率186, 率172, 成绩在C或以上的学生,同时在RATE 176注册 & Admission to the Radiologic Technology program. This course is designed to 顺序ly develop, 应用, critically analyze, 集成, 综合和评价放射学过程中的概念和理论. Through structured, 顺序, competency-based clinical assignments, concepts of team practice, 以病人为中心的临床实践和专业发展进行了讨论, examined and evaluated. 临床实践经验旨在提供患者护理和评估, competent performance of radiologic imaging and total quality management. 能力水平和结果测量确保患者的福祉之前, during and following the radiologic procedure.

RATE 189 - Clinical III - 4.00学分

Prerequisites: RATE 171, RATE 176, and RATE 188 with a grade of C or better & Admission to the Radiologic Technology program. This course is designed to 顺序ly develop, 应用, critically analyze, 集成, 综合和评价放射学过程中的概念和理论. Through structured, 顺序, competency-based clinical assignments, concepts of team practice, 以病人为中心的临床实践和专业发展进行了讨论, examined and evaluated. 临床实践经验旨在提供患者护理和评估, competent performance of radiologic imaging and total quality management. 能力水平和结果测量确保患者的福祉之前, during and following the radiologic procedure.

RATE 270 - Radiation Biology and Protection - 2.50学分

Prerequisite: RATE 271, RATE 273 and RATE 274 with a grade of C or better & Admission to the Radiologic Technology program. 本课程概述辐射与生命系统相互作用的原理. Radiation effects on molecules, cells, tissues, and the body are presented. 介绍了影响生物反应的因素,包括辐射的急性和慢性效应. 本课程亦概述辐射防护的原理, including the responsibilities of the radiographer for patients, 人员, 公众. 联邦和州监管机构以及卫生保健组织的辐射健康和安全要求被纳入其中.

RATE 271 - Clinical IV - 6.00学分

Prerequisite: RATE 189 with a grade of C or better & Admission to the Radiologic Technology program. This course is designed to 顺序ly develop, 应用, critically analyze, 集成, 综合和评价放射学过程中的概念和理论. Through structured, 顺序, competency-based clinical assignments, concepts of team practice, 以病人为中心的临床实践和专业发展进行了讨论, examined and evaluated. 临床实践经验旨在提供患者护理和评估, competent performance of radiologic imaging and total quality management. 能力水平和结果测量确保患者的福祉之前, during and following the radiologic procedure.

RATE 272 - Clinical V - 6.00学分

Prerequisite: RATE 271, RATE 273, and RATE 274 with a grade of C or better & Admission to the Radiologic Technology program. This course is designed to 顺序ly develop, 应用, critically analyze, 集成, 综合和评价放射学过程中的概念和理论. Through structured, 顺序, competency-based clinical assignments, concepts of team practice, 以病人为中心的临床实践和专业发展进行了讨论, examined and evaluated. 临床实践经验旨在提供患者护理和评估, competent performance of radiologic imaging and total quality management. 能力水平和结果测量确保患者的福祉之前, during and following the radiologic procedure.

RATE 273 - Digital Image Acquisition - 2.00学分

Prerequisite: RATE 171, 率186 with a grade of C or better & Admission to the Radiologic Technology program. Content imparts and understanding of the components, 诊断放射学中数字成像系统的原理和操作. 讨论了影响图像采集、显示、存档和检索的因素. 介绍了数字系统质量保证和维护的原则.

RATE 274 - Cross Sectional Anatomy for RATE - 1.50学分

Prerequisite: RATE 189 with a grade of C or better & Admission to the Radiologic Technology program.With respect to the radiologic technology student, the course content begins with a review ofgross anatomy of the entire body. 将系统地对大体解剖结构进行详细研究以确定位置, 函数, and relationship to other structures. Gross anatomicalstructures are located and identified in axial, 矢状面, 冠状, 斜面. 插图和解剖图像将与相同成像平面和相同水平的MR和CT图像进行比较, 当可适用.

RATE 278 - Pathology - 1.00学分

Prerequisite: RATE 271, RATE 273 and RATE 274 with a grade of C or better & Admission to the Radiologic Technology program. 本课程介绍与疾病相关的概念和病因学考虑,重点是疾病的放射学表现和对暴露因子选择的影响.

RATE 283 - Final Seminar - 2.00学分

Prerequisite: RATE 271 and RATE 274 with a grade of C or better & Admission to the Radiologic Technology program. Preparation for the National Registry examination. Simulation of American Registry of Radiologic Technologists examination.

Computed Tomography (CT) Certificate

RTCT 200 - Cross Sectional Anatomy - 3.00学分

先决条件:进入放射技术计划或计算机断层扫描证书计划, or credentials in Radiologic Technology, Nuclear Medicine Technology, 由美国放射技师注册协会(ARRT)和/或核医学技师认证委员会(NMTCB)注册的放射治疗师和/或放射治疗师. 本课程的内容始于对整个身体的大体解剖的回顾. 将系统地对大体解剖结构进行详细的研究以确定位置, relationship to other structures and 函数. 大体解剖结构定位和识别在轴(横)。, 矢状面, 冠状 and orthogonal (oblique) planes. 插图和解剖图像将与MR和CT图像在相同的成像平面和相同的水平上进行比较. 每个解剖结构在CT上的特征性外观, MR and ultrasound image, 当可适用, 会被强调

RTCT 201 - CT Patient Care - 2.00学分

Prerequisite: Credentials in Radiologic Technology, Nuclear Medicine Technology, 由美国放射技师注册协会(ARRT)和/或核医学技师认证委员会(NMTCB)注册的放射治疗师和/或放射治疗师. 本课程向学生介绍计算机断层扫描(CT)和CT套件中的病人护理. 本课程的重点是与CT相关的病人护理和辐射安全问题. Classes cover topics in patient assessment, 静脉穿刺, 造影剂, radiation safety and others.

RTCT 202 - CT 程序 - 5.00学分

Prerequisites: Credentials in Radiologic Technology, Nuclear Medicine Technology, 由美国放射技师注册协会(ARRT)和/或核医学技师认证委员会(NMTCB)注册的放射治疗师和/或放射治疗师. 为学生提供不同解剖体平面的横断面解剖学知识. 它也涵盖了常见的病理成像使用横断面技术. Routine imaging procedures are discussed for the following body parts: head, 脖子, 胸部, 腹部, 骨盆, and musculoskeletal.

RTCT 203 - CT Radiation Safety - 2.00学分

前提条件:当前的放射学学生以及持有放射技术证书的技术人员, Nuclear Medicine Technology, 由美国放射技师注册协会(ARRT)和/或核医学技师认证委员会(NMTCB)注册的放射治疗师和/或放射治疗师. 证书测试要求已经改变,需要结构化的教育组件. 地区医院已经联系了这两个地方,说明他们需要这种教育成分.

RTCT 204 - CT Image Production - 4.00学分

Prerequisite: Credentials in Radiologic Technology, Nuclear Medicine Technology, 由美国放射技师注册协会(ARRT)和/或核医学技师认证委员会(NMTCB)注册的放射治疗师和/或放射治疗师. 传授计算机断层扫描(CT)的物理原理和仪器的理解. 本文还回顾了计算机断层扫描的历史发展和演变.